
One billion in sales!

From 500 million sales to a billion in just 5 years - Welser Profile exceeds the billion mark for the first time in the company's history.

Record sales: One billion

This means that the family-owned company from the “Mostviertel” region has added to its sales record of 789 million in the previous year.

2022 was also a very challenging year: No sooner had one crisis subsided than the next one was just around the corner. Nevertheless, Welser Profile managed the "one with 9 zeros" for the first time - of course with a strong correlation to the strongly increased steel price.


"In addition to all the human suffering, the war in Ukraine has brought and continues to bring considerable uncertainty to Europe and to the company's sales markets. Supply chains and (energy) prices are - once again - going haywire. Yet, our employees have made the best of the difficult conditions through their tireless efforts. The cohesion in the Welser Profile team is something special," says CEO Thomas Welser with conviction.


Since the increase in sales was also heavily dependent on the price of steel, the profit outlook is somewhat more modest; nevertheless, as in previous years, a large part of the result will be converted into investments in the existing sites.

"Working together through difficult times is the only way," Thomas Welser emphasizes.