

Thinking and acting for future generations

As a traditional, Austrian family business, that is also internationally focused, we've adopted a cross-generational and future-oriented approach and are committed to regional integration and sustainability. This means that we don't just make decisions for economic reasons, but include all three pillars of sustainability in our thinking and actions: the economy, ecology and the social environment.

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Our contribution to the future and our responsibility for the next generations involves developing sustainable innovations as well as producing high-quality products and delivering them in the most environmentally friendly packaging possible via environmentally friendly transport in a way that conserves resources.


Our environmentally conscious actions are firmly rooted in our corporate philosophy and affect all areas of the value chain. The focus is on the economical use of the resources required.




The world is changing at an increasing rate: This requires us to be flexible, willing to develop and courageous in order to remain successful. This isn't just about processes, technologies, and systems, but primarily about people.




As a long-standing family business, we see ourselves as part of society as a whole, and we want to make a positive contribution to it. Not only do we create secure jobs, but we also promote education, art, culture and sports in the region and are socially engaged.


1. Welser Sustainability Report
We reduce our CO2 footprint daily.
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